"My collection is a snapshot of 5 years of NFT history."
Interview with developer, investor, and art collector, Alley Cat

A true crypto and CriptoKitties OG, developer, investor, and art collector, Alley Cat shared his top-5 favorite NFT works - some of which he still owns and some of which he can’t help but regret having sold!
My favorite NFT artworks
❶ Dedo Guante #7/10 by Zigor Samaniego
I’m a lover of anything by Zigor Samaniego, so of course, I had to own one.

I also really love anything by JOY, and I used to own one! But I ended up selling it for way above the market price (at that time) when NFTX launched their first pools, of which JOY was one. I still intend to rebuy one at some point.

❸ Alley Cat PFP
I love my Alley Cat PFP, it’s one that I made together with my Mrs, (who is a much better artist than me) for the Kolectiv Platform’s Crypto 2021 collection.

We always intended to create more of our own art, but we had a baby shortly after this piece launched and it’s been hard this past year to just sit down and work together for an extended time.
❹ Meet Me at the Cherry Tree by Genuine Human Art
As far as pure, standalone artworks go, I love this pixel masterpiece from Genuine Human Art, that I bought in January 2021.

❺ Autoglyphs by Larva Labs

I already named an NFT collection that I don’t own anymore - which isn’t fair I guess - but to be honest nothing beats Autoglyphs for me - they will forever remain the most treasured assets that I let go.
When and why I started collecting NFT art
I started collecting and breeding Cryptokitties at the beginning of 2018, together with a number of people that are now considered OGs, but I think a better term for them would be innovators and early founders. Back then, most people were into multiple collections, and so, for instance, you would trade Cryptokitties for a Cryptopunk, Axie, or a Decentraland plot.
It wasn’t until Autoglyphs when I started to become interested in NFT art as a separate category.
After ArtBlocks, the space exploded and it became impossible to follow everything. I still like to buy into new collections I encounter but it’s more to support ideas that I love than a drive to collect precious art.
Collections I have been most excited about in the past are Autoglyphs, Squiggly, WTF, JOY, NFT Boxes, The Currency (Hirst), the Kolectiv platform and LIOM - each of which brought some new innovative aspects to the space.
About my digital NFT art collection
There is no line in my collection, it’s just a snapshot of 5 years of NFT history. I have roughly 6000 NFTs on my main account, of which only a small amount is art. I have no goal, I just enjoy finding exciting things, collecting them and occasionally trading them.
But if virtual worlds ever took off in a meaningful and easily accessible way, I would definitely exhibit my art there.
My best purchase & sale
My best sales results were the five Autoglyphs I originally minted for 0.25 ETH each when ETH was 100 USD. I sold my last one in 2021 for 120 ETH when it was 2000 USD. Back then, that was the right thing to do for me, but I’ve always regretted not owning an Autoglyph anymore. And of course they’ve held their value very well.
My advice to people first approaching digital NFT art collecting
Take your time to figure out what appeals to you. Don’t jump onto something because it might grow 10x in value, to a large extent those days are behind us. When the art market is in a bear, buy something you’ve always loved.
My OG:CR and Life in Our Minds NFTs
I’ve got about 15 OG:Crystals and 15 Life in Our Minds. I quite like LIOM #983 for its colors and #468 as it is 100% full pearl.