LIOM Growth Guide 2.0

The Life in Our Minds NFTs were revealed on the 1st of November, and their evolution will now continue for 100 days. During this time, NFTs will add new Boids to their formations, update their patterns and materials, and some of them will end up completely golden or diamond, sometimes even doubling their shapes.
But it’s important to note that every LIOM has a different evolution speed, so your NFT can reach its final appearance anywhere between 30 to 90 days.
We have created this in-depth guide to the collection’s mechanics in order to help you understand what exactly will be happening to your LIOM, over which time periods, and how you can influence it.
In this guide, you will find the following information:
— LIOM NFTs evolution explanation
— LIOM NFTs evolution speed rules
— The patterns distribution algorithm
— The list of collab collections
— OpenSea LIOM NFT traits description
— Rarity tips
— Seven things you can do in order to influence your LIOM evolution
LIOM NFT evolution
Your NFT has many Boids in it, and each Boid has its own timeline. So they go through the same stages but at their own individual time.
These are the 4 stages of a Boid’s evolution:
- First, a Boid is born, and it reveals its colour.
- About a third of the way through its timeline, the Boid’s pattern is revealed - generated either from partner collections in the owner’s wallet or from the original LIOM pattern.
- At around the 50% mark of a boid’s evolution, the pattern might change material to silver, gold, black, or pearl - on OpenSea in your LIOM NFT’s profile, these traits are called Half Silver, Half Gold, Half Black, and Half Pearl.
- At 100%, when the Boid is fully evolved, it might completely change its material and convert to Full Silver, Full Gold, Full Black, or Full Pearl.

Upon minting, we wanted the NFTs to look already a bit intriguing, so we didn’t start them at a zero evolution point, instead, the reveal happened when 7 – 10 Boids were already added to each NFT. At about 50% of the way through an NFT’s evolution, no more new Boids will be added to it, but it will still reveal the traits of its existing Boids as it continues to evolve.
The evolution speed
NFTs are visually updated every 10% of their evolution. The speed of evolution is different for each NFT, and it has two parameters:
NFTs are visually updated every 10% of their evolution. The speed of evolution is different for each NFT, and it has two parameters:
— “Speed evolution” can be low, medium or high, and this speed was assigned randomly when NFT was born and will not change.
— “Speed bonus” is an additional trait that constantly changes and one you can have some control over. The bonus is calculated according to 3 parameters: 1) How active your wallet has been in the past two weeks; 2) How many LIOM and OG:CR NFTs you currently have - the more NFTs, the higher your speed bonus; 3) Random luck.
So, for example, if I have lots of LIOM and OG:CR NFTs in my wallet today, and complete lots of transactions, the LIOM evolution speed bonus will be high. But if tomorrow I move all other NFTs out of my wallet, the trait will update, and the evolution will slow down.
Patterns distribution
So, how does the system determine what patterns from partner collections should be added to your LIOM NFT? Each time, the algorithm decides it in two steps:

First, it checks what other NFTs are in your wallet and produces at least one Boid with the pattern of each partner collection you own.
Secondly, the algorithm tries to get as close as possible to the content distribution of your wallet. So if you have more Meebits NFTs, the chances of getting multiple Boids with Meebits patterns are higher. Collab traits on your OG:Crystals are also counted the same as if you had this partner collection NFT.
Here are several more examples:

The list of collab collections
There are 60 major NFT collections and partners that give unique patterns to the Boids. Here is the complete list of them:
Art Blocks Curated Collection, Autoglyphs, Azuki, BAKC, BAYC, Chimpers, CloneX, Cool Cats, Creature World, CrypToadz, Cryptopunks, CyberBrokers, CyberKongz, Doodles, Fingerprints DAO (members wallets), Flamingo DAO (members wallets), ForeverBots, Friends with Benefits (members wallets),, Gutter Cats, Invisible Friends, Ksoids by Danil Krivoruchko, MAYC, Meebits, MFers, MOAR by Joan Cornella, Moon Phases by Jeff Koons, Moonbirds, Murakami Flowers,, OG:Crystals by Michael Joo and Danil Krivoruchko, OnChainMonkey, Otherdeed, Outland (Elemental by Fang Lijun and Fragments by James Jean), Pace Verso (teamLab Matter is Void, Glenn Kaino Pass the Baton, and Verso VIP), Pace x Art Blocks, Pleasr DAO (members wallets), Proof Collective, Psychedelics Anonymous, Regulars, rektguy, The Currency Damien Hirst, Tom Sachs Rocket Factory (Tom Sachs Rockets, Tom Sachs Components, Tom Sachs Mars Rocks), TRLab (David Ariew x Tatler China, AI 2041, Exploding the Self, YDF Packets, YDF Fireworks, Imagine This, Vogue Meta Ocean), VeeFriends, World of Women, XCopy, [ mxtter ] (members wallets), 89 seconds Atomized by Eve Sussman.
You may check the exact list of contracts that give collab patterns to your LIOM NFTs.
Having OG:Crystals with collab traits works as a substitute for actual NFTs from these collections, giving the LIOM NFTs the same Boid patterns.
The NFT traits on OpenSea
❶ Evolution traits

❷ Shape traits

❸ Look traits

Traits defined on mint and which do not change throughout evolution:
- Evolution Speed
- Boid Shape
- Max Boids (invisible in OS)
- Primary Colour
- Secondary Colour
- Colour Scheme
Dynamic traits that might change with evolution:
- Evolution Progress
- Evolution Speed Bonus
- Evolution Lock
- Boids (Current quantity)
- Pattern <NAME> (collab patterns on Boids)
- Half Silver, Half Gold, Half Black, Half Pearl (pattern special colour)
- Full Silver, Full Gold, Full Black, Full Pearl (Boid special material)
Rarity tips
We are talking to OpenSea in order to add Open Rarity count to our collection and make it work properly with this dynamic NFT collection.
But meanwhile, here are some general tips to help you understand which traits will be rarer than the others. These will only be relevant in the case that the collection grows to its full 100% evolution, and all NFTs get to their final form:
- In some cases, Boid Patterns may change material. This is a rare trait by itself, but the colours are also not equally distributed. Possible materials from most common to rarest include: Half Silver, Half Gold, Half Black, and Half Pearl traits on OpenSea. So in this context, pearl patterns will be the most original.
- In even rarer cases, a Boid can completely change its material. Again, possible materials include: Full Silver, Full Gold, Full Black, and the Full Pearl trait on OpenSea, from the least to most rare, respectively.
- NFTs that are double shapes are rarer than the single shaped ones. It doesn't matter what shape you have, all single shapes may eventually transform to double shapes.
- The Rainbow and Checkered are also much more rare.
- There can be anywhere from 13 to 51 maximum Boids in a completely developed LIOM NFT (Decided by their “Max Boids” trait). This trait is invisible on OpenSea, but you may check how many Boids are revealed with every update and draw your own conclusions. Just remember that new Boids are only added during the first 50% of evolution – the rest of the time, NFTs will only reveal Boid’s traits. It’s also worth remembering that a small amount of Boids might be a good thing, as it gives you more chance of gaining rare materials.
- A greater maximum Boids limit does also have its perks, though, as it increases the chances of an NFT transforming into a double shape. More Boids also give you more room and diversity for potential collab patterns. And of course, having 51 Boids in one NFT is the rarest of all possible amounts.
- We can’t know for sure which collab patterns will turn out to be the most rare. But, for example, there are no Boids with Nouns patterns at the moment, so we can assume that the more expensive collections’ patterns will be rarer.

Seven things you can do in order to influence your LIOM evolution
- Don’t sell it.
LIOM NFTs evolve as long as they stay in the collectors' wallet and are not put up for sale — they gain new Boids in their formations and gradually reveal the traits of their pre-existing ones. When put on sale, NFTs stop growing, but they continue to evolve in the new owner's wallet immediately after purchase.
So, the longer you hold onto a LIOM NFT, the more complex, beautiful, rare, and precious it becomes. - Add NFTs from other collections in your wallet.
There are 60 major NFT collections and partners that give unique patterns to the Boids. So you may add them to your wallet in order to grow collab traits in your LIOM. - Buy several LIOM NFTs.
All the NFTs will eventually reach their complete and final form, but those who gain completely evolved NFTs earliest will presumably be able to sell them for more. Having more than one LIOM NFT in the wallet boosts evolution speed for all of them — so there is good reason to hold onto more than one! - Make sure you have OG:Crystals in your wallet.
Having OG:Crystals with collab traits (Apes, Cryptopunks, Meebits, etc.) works as a substitute for actual NFTs from these collections, giving the LIOM NFTs the same Boid types. Also, owning OG:Crystals gives a small boost to the Boid’s evolution speed. - Transfer the LIOM NFT to your other wallet.
Since some NFT features are predefined by the characteristics of the owner’s wallet, it may make sense to transfer the NFT to your other wallet if you have more than one. Maybe your second wallet will boost the evolution speed or bring you some rare traits, who knows. - Stop it whenever you want to.
In fact, you don’t have to wait until your LIOM NFT goes through the entire cycle of evolution. If you already feel satisfied with its looks and don’t want to proceed any further, you may lock it at any time with the on-demand option at OG.Art platform.
And if you later change your mind? No worries! You can always unlock it. Remember, though, you can only make changes until the whole NFT Collection evolution process is finished and the Mother Flock obtains the final sum and appearance of its elements. - Keep your fingers crossed.
Some NFT properties are affected by the buyer's wallet:
— Evolution speed
— Collaboration Patterns on the Boids from other NFTs in the owner's wallet.
— Special pattern materials distribution (% of regular/silver/gold/pearl). This property is defined on mint, changing hands on secondary market will not influence it.
— Special Boid materials % (for example, completely gold NFT). This property is defined on mint, changing hands on secondary market will not influence it.
But there is also an element of luck because some other NFT properties are predefined, such as:
— The Boids shape
— The Maximum Boids number
— The Boids' Formation shape (e.g a circle, triangle, square, infinity, etc)
— Their Initial evolution progress (for example, some NFTs could be born with 5%, some with 30% progress)
— The NFT colour scheme (flat, rainbow, gradient, etc)
Also, LIOM NFTs can contain randomly distributed qualities such as high evolution speed or higher Boid number limits.
So, keep your fingers crossed to get the rarest traits and, most importantly, have fun with it!