The Heterosis Waitlist Explained
There are multiple ways in which you can boost your chances!

Much like our LIOM collection, the waitlist for Heterosis NFTs is based on an innovative, interactive system, which means that it doesn’t run on a first-come-first serve basis. Though simply being on the waitlist does not guarantee the chance of purchasing a Heterosis flower, the good news is that there are multiple ways in which you can boost your chances!
The Heterosis sale will be in a few weeks. The best way to guarantee your purchase of a Heterosis flower is to get onto the allowlist by improving your score. Top-score users from the waitlist, collectors with Diamond Hands and OG.Art Friends status will be admitted to the allowlist.
Get a guaranteed Allowlist spot
Collectors that own at least one OG:Crystal AND one LIOM NFT or that own FIVE OG:Crystals will receive 'OG.ART Friend' status and a guaranteed allowlist spot.
👉 You can buy OG:Crystals and LIOM NFTs on OpenSea.
Improve your score
There are several ways in which you can boost your waitlist position, increasing your chances of getting onto the allowist by gaining points! Points are given to owners who:
- have at least 0.25 Eth
- have an OG:Crystal in their wallet
- have a LIOM NFT in their wallet
- have connected their waitlist account to our social media
- have retweeted the Heterosis collection announcement
Several wallets belonging to one person will receive lower priority in the queue.
OG.Art Friend
There is another way to get yourself a guaranteed Heterosis allowlist spot.
If you have at least one LIOM and one OG:Crystal or at least five OG:Crystal NFTs in your wallet, you’re in!
So join the allowlist OR first grab those NFTs on Opensea!
For OG:Crystal and LIOM OGs:
The first 450 registered collectors that owned at least one LIOM NFT or at least one OG:Crystal on the 22nd of January (a week before the Heterosis collection announcement) will receive the “Diamond Hands” status and will be moved to the allowlist. The rest will simply gain an additional score.
If you are confused and still wish to clarify anything about the Heterosis waitlist mechanics, please don’t hesitate to message the OG.Art team on Discord or Telegram.
So join the waitlist and ensure you gain the most points possible!