Get ready for the Life in Our Minds Sale
How to purchase your LIOM NFT

The LIOM sale on OG.Art platform will commence in three stages. Make sure you get your spot and arrive on time.
❶ Dates and times
- 25th of October, 10 AM EDT — The 24-hour allowlist sale will begin for users with a guaranteed right to purchase. It will be held on OG.Art platform in the waitlist section.
- 26th of October — The waitlist sale will be held on OG.Art platform. Each waitlist member will receive their own time slot for the start of the sale, and the higher their score, the earlier they can join the sale. You will be able to check your personal time slot 48 hours before the sale by logging into your waitlist account.
- 27th of October, 10 AM EDT — The 24-hour general sale will start in case any LIOM NFTs are still left.
All the lists will be finalized and closed by Monday, 24th of October, 10 AM EDT.
❷ The collection size and NFT price
Life in Our Minds collection will consist of a total of 990 NFTs:
- 795 NFTs that come at random in one of 7 existing shapes — 0.25 Eth
- 22 NFT sets (each consisting of 7 different-shaped NFTs) — 1.75 Eth per set
- 90 NFTs reserved for artists and production teams
LIOM NFT sets will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
❸ Purchasing Limits
- For Allow list members:
OG:CR Diamond Hands — 2 LIOM NFTs or 1 set per wallet
Everyone else — 1 LIOM NFT or 1 set per wallet - For Waitlist members:
2 individual NFTs per wallet or 1 set - For General sale:
5 NFTs per wallet
❹ Payment options
Collectors will be able to buy their LIOM NFTs with Etherium via their Metamask or Torus wallets. The second option is to pay with traditional currency via credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay.
❺ AMA session
At 13:00 EST on the 25th of October, during our allowlist sale, artists Hannes Koch from Random International and Danil Krivoruchko will be talking to us about the LIOM project and answering all your questions on our Discord and social channels! The stream will be available on Discord, Youtube and Twitter.
So prepare your questions and join us!
🙏 Be on time
We’re expecting high demand during the sale, so do register now, add your email and socials to the waitlist for a higher score, and as soon as you get your personal sale time slot, come ASAP!
Any time before, during, or after the sale, our team will be on Discord to support and resolve potential issues in real time.
You can download this one-pager, so you have all the information about the sale at hand: